Number of the records: 1
Geomagnetic activity as a possible cause of changes in the middle atmosphere and troposphere; observations made in Prague in the years 1932-1987
- 1.0142720 - GFU-E 940011 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Bochníček, Josef - Pýcha, Josef
Geomagnetic activity as a possible cause of changes in the middle atmosphere and troposphere; observations made in Prague in the years 1932-1987.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica. Roč. 38, č. 1 (1994), s. 103-107. ISSN 0039-3169. E-ISSN 1573-1626
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/94/1560
Impact factor: 0.143, year: 1994
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Number of the records: 1