Number of the records: 1
Diphosphinoazine Complexes of Rhodium-synthesis, Structure and Reactivity
- 1.0105003 - UCHP-M 20040257 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Pošta, Martin - Čermák, Jan - Vojtíšek, P.
Diphosphinoazine Complexes of Rhodium-synthesis, Structure and Reactivity.
[Difosfinoazinové komplexy rhodia-syntéza, struktura a reaktivita.]
Book of Abstracts. Prague: J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, 2004, s. 76-77.
[Symposium on Catalysis /36./. Praha (CZ), 08.11.2004-09.11.2004]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/01/0554
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921
Keywords : diphosphinoazines * rhodium
Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry
Now, we present here synthesis of novel diphosphinoazine complexes of Rh(I) andRh(III) and creation of coordinative unsaturation similar to the Shaw type for.
V této práci popisujeme syntézu zcela nových difosfinoazinových komplexů Rh(I) a Rh(III) a vytváření koordinační nenasycenosti podobné té Shawova typu.
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Number of the records: 1