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Limited-area electron concentration height profile instantaneous maps

  1. 1.
    0104049 - UFA-U 20040039 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Stanislawska, I. - Rothkaehl, H. - Burešová, Dalia
    Limited-area electron concentration height profile instantaneous maps.
    [Okamžité mapování profilů elektronové koncentrace nad omezeným prostanstvím.]
    Advances in Space Research. Roč. 33, č. 6 (2004), s. 874-877. ISSN 0273-1177. E-ISSN 1879-1948
    Grant - others:78/E-73/SPUB-M/COST/T-12/DZ221/2001-2003(PL) 8T12E03920
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3042911
    Keywords : Ionosphere * Bottom-side ionosphere * Electron concentration height profiles
    Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Sciences, Meteorology
    Impact factor: 0.548, year: 2004

    Quasi-empirical 3-dimensional maps of the electron concentration in the bottom side ionosphere are established with data of seven European stations. Examples are shown for quiet and disturbed conditions. As background one of two empirical models was used: IRI 2000 or NeQuITUR. Preliminary tests show a fair agreement of measurements and mapping results. Spatial and temporal effects of irregularities are discussed

    Článek pojednává o metodě předpovědí aktuální elektronové koncentrace a porovnávání měřených a modelových N(h) profilů pro Evropský región
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