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Asymptotic normalization coefficients from proton transfer reactions and astrophysical S factors for the (CNOC)-C-13(p, gamma)N-14 radiative capture process

  1. 1.
    0101901 - UJF-V 20043102 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Azhari, A. - Burjan, Václav - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, Václav - Sattarov, A. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E.
    Asymptotic normalization coefficients from proton transfer reactions and astrophysical S factors for the (CNOC)-C-13(p, gamma)N-14 radiative capture process.
    [Asymptotické normalizační koeficienty z reakcí přenosu protonu a astrofyzikální S-faktory pro proces radiačního záchytu 13C(p, g)14N.]
    Nuclear Physics. A. Roč. 725, č. 22 (2003), s. 279-294. ISSN 0375-9474. E-ISSN 1873-1554
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/01/0709; GA MŠMT ME 385
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
    Keywords : radiative capture reaction * asymptotic normalization coefficient
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders
    Impact factor: 1.761, year: 2003

    The C-13(p, gamma)N-14 radiative capture reaction is analyzed within the R-matrix approach with the aim to determine the astrophysical S factor. The low-energy astrophysical S factor has important contributions from both resonant and nonresonant captures. The contribution of the nonresonant component of the transition to a particular N-14 bound state is expressed in terms of the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC). The experimental ANCs induced from the C-13(N-14, C-13)N-14 and C-13(He-3,d)N-14 reactions are used in the analysis. The fits of the calculated S factors to the experimental data are sensitive to the ANC values and are used to test the extracted ANCs. It is found that the ANCs determined from the transfer reactions provide the best fit for transitions to all the states in N-14, except for the third excited state. The obtained astrophysical factor, S(O) = 7.6 +/- 1.1 keV b, is in excellent agreement with published values.

    Reakce radiačního záchytu 13C(p, g)14N byla analyzována v rámci R-maticové teorie s cílem určit její astrofyzikální S-faktor. Při analýze byly využity experimentální ANC určené z reakcí 13C(14N, 13C)14N a 13C(3He, d)14N. Bylo zjištěno, že ANC určené z reakcí přenosu dávají velmi dobrý fit pro všechny přechody do stavů 14N kromě třetího excitovaného stavu. Získaný astrofyzikální S-faktor S(0) = 7.6 +/- 1.1 keV b velmi dobře souhlasí s publikovanými hodnotami.
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