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N=14 and 16 shell gaps in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes

  1. 1.
    0101836 - UJF-V 20043003 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Stanoiu, M. - Azaiez, F. - Dombrádi, Zs. - Sorlin, O. - Brown, A. - Belleguic, M. - Sohler, D. - Saint Laurent, M. G. - Lopez-Jimenez, M. J. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Sletten, G. - Achouri, N. L. - Angélique, J. C. - Becker, F. - Borcea, C. - Bourgeois, C. - Bracco, A. - Daugas, J. M. - Dlouhý, Zdeněk - Donzaud, C. - Duprat, J. - Fülöp, Zs. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Grévy, S. - Ibrahim, F. - Kerek, A. - Krasznahorkay, A. - Lewitowicz, M. - Leenhardt, S. - Lukyanov, S. - Mayet, P. - Mandal, S. - van der Marel, H. - Mittig, W. - Mrázek, Jaromír - Negoita, F. - de Oliveira Santos, F. - Podolyák, Zs. - Pouhgeon, F. - Porquet, M. G. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Savajols, H. - Sobolev, Y. - Stodel, C. - Timár, J. - Yamamoto, A.
    N=14 and 16 shell gaps in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes.
    [Mezery ve slupkách N=14 a 16 v neutronobohatých izotopech kyslíku.]
    Physical Review. C. -, č. 69 (2004), 034312. ISSN 0556-2813. E-ISSN 2469-9993
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1048102
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
    Keywords : shell gaps * neutron-rich nuclei * oxygen isotopes
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders
    Impact factor: 3.125, year: 2004

    In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using fragmentation reactions of both stable and radioactive beams has been performed in order to study the structure of excited states in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes with masses ranging from A=20 to 24. For the produced fragments, gamma-ray energies, intensities, an gamma-gamma coincidences have been measured. Based on this information new level schemes are proposed for (21,22)O up to the neutron separation energy. The nonobservation of any gamma-decay branch from (23)O and (24)O suggests that their excited states lie above the neutron decay thresholds. From this, as vell as from the level schemes proposed for (21)O and (22)O, the size of the N=14 and 16 shell gaps in oxygen isotopes is discussed in the light of shell-model calculations.

    Užitím gama spektroskopie na svazku byly studovány excitované stavy neutrono- bohatých izotopů kyslíku s hmotovými čísly od A=20 do A=24. Byla navržena nová schémata hladin pro (21,22)O a diskutovány mezery mezi hladinami N=14 a 16.
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