Number of the records: 1
Comparing ablation induced by fs, ps, and ns XUV-laser pulses
- 1.0101817 - FZU-D 20040494 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Bittner, Michal - Juha, Libor - Chvostová, Dagmar - Letal, V. - Krása, Josef - Otčenášek, Zdeněk - Kozlová, Michaela - Polan, Jiří - Präg R., Ansgar - Stupka, Michal - Stupka, Michal - Krzywinski, J. - Andrejsczuk, A. - Pelka, B. - Sobierajski, R. - Feldhaus, J. - Boody, F. P. - Grisham, M. E. - Vaschenko, G. O. - Menoni, C. S. - Rocca, J. J.
Comparing ablation induced by fs, ps, and ns XUV-laser pulses.
[Srovnani ablace indukovane femto-, piko- a nanosekundovymi impulzy XUV laserů.]
High-Power Laser Ablation 2004. Bellingham: SPIE, 2004 - (Phipps, C.), s. 827-836. Proceedings of SPIE., 5448. ISBN 0-8194-5371-4. ISSN 0277-786X.
[High-Power Laser Ablation 2004. Taos, New Mexico (US), 25.04.2004-30.04.2004]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 1P04LA235
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
Keywords : XUV * ablation * pulse-duration effects
Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
Various short-wavelength (lambda<100 nm) lasers emitted pulses with durations ranging from ÷10 fs to ÷ 1 ns have recently been used to material ablation.Etch rates for three different pulse durations are comparing using the XUV-ABLATOR code to compensate for the wavelength difference and to study the influence of pulse duration on the XUV ablation efficieny
K materialove ablaci byly pouzity ruzne kratkovlnne (lambda<100 nm) lasery s impulzy o delkach od 10 fs do 1 ns. Ablacni rychlosti pro tri ruzne delky impulzu byly porovnany neprimo, s pomoci numerickeho kodu XUV-ABLATOR. Byl tak vyloucen vliv rozdilnosti vlnovych delek zminenych laseru, coz umoznilo posoudit vliv delky laseroveho impulzu na ucinnost XUV ablace
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Number of the records: 1