Number of the records: 1
Expression of human thyroid peroxidase and CD5 antigens in Pichia Pastoris
- 1.0100381 - MBU-M 20040071 RIV SK eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Vašicová, Pavla - Dorosh, Andriy - Hašek, Jiří - Janatová, Ivana
Expression of human thyroid peroxidase and CD5 antigens in Pichia Pastoris.
[Exprese lidské thyroidperoxidasy a antigenů CD5 u Pichia pastoris.]
Annual Conference on Yeasts /32./. Smolenice, 2004, s. 83.
[Annual Conference on Yeasts /32./. Smolenice (SK), 12.05.2004-14.05.2004]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00B030
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5020903
Keywords : tpo * pcr -cd5
Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology
We chose Pichia pastoris for production of two human membrane proteins, CD5 and thyroid peroxidase (TPO), for diagnostic purposes.In summary, we were able to achieve a high expression of both human proteins in Pichia pastoris, however, our results demonstrate a problem with the transport of both heterologous proteins into the cultivation medium.
Pichia pastoris byla využita k produkci dvou lidských membránových proteinů, CD5 a thyroidní peroxidázy (TPO) pro diagnostické účely. Dosáhli jsme vysoké exprese u obou proteinů, nicméně naše výsledky ukazují na problém s transportem obou heterologních proteinů do kultivačního media.
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Number of the records: 1