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Continuous and correlated nucleation during nonstandard island growth at Ag/Si(111)-7X7 heteroepitaxy

  1. 1.
    0100322 - FZU-D 20040257 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Kocán, P. - Sobotík, P. - Ošt'ádal, I. - Kotrla, Miroslav
    Continuous and correlated nucleation during nonstandard island growth at Ag/Si(111)-7X7 heteroepitaxy.
    [Spojitá a korelovaná nukleace během nestandardního růstu ostrůvků při Ag/Si(111)-7x7 heteroepitaxi.]
    Physical Review. B. Roč. 69, č. 16 (2004), 165409/1-165409/6. ISSN 0163-1829
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/01/0928
    Grant - others:GA-(CZ) FRVŠ2735/2003
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : heteroepitaxy * Ag, Si(111) * mechanism of growth * island size distribution * Monte Carlo simulations
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    Impact factor: 3.075, year: 2004

    Heteroepitaxy Ag on Si(111) is studied by STM measurements and KMC simulations for coverages 0.05-0.6 ML. An excess of smallest islands explained by simulations using a coarse-grained model with a limited capacity

    Heteroepitaxe Ag na Si(111) je studována pomocí STM meření a KMC simulací pro pokrytí 0.05-0.6 ML. Zvýšený počet malých ostrůvků je vysvětlen užitím hrubozrného modelu s omezenou kapacitou buněk
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Number of the records: 1  

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