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Isolation of pathogenesis-related proteins from TMV-Infected tobacco and their influence on infectivity of TMV

  1. 1.
    0028420 - ÚEB 2006 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
    Šindelářová, Milada - Šindelář, Luděk
    Isolation of pathogenesis-related proteins from TMV-Infected tobacco and their influence on infectivity of TMV.
    [Izolace „pathogenesis-related“ proteinů z tabáku infikovaného virem TMV a jejich vliv na infektivitu viru TMV.]
    Plant Protection Science. Roč. 41, - (2005), s. 52-57. ISSN 1212-2580. E-ISSN 1805-9341
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA522/02/0708
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511
    Keywords : Nicotiana tabacum * PR-proteins * PAGE
    Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry

    The composition of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-proteins) and inhibitory influence on TMV multiplication were studied. The ICF PR-proteins of infected plants were separated after solubilisation by decreasing gradient of ammonium sulphate, the cell PR-proteins were separated after acidic homogenisation of leaf tissues. The ICF and cell PR-proteins were further purified by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose. Using discontinuous non-denaturating polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of DEAE cellulose fractions the PR-proteins were detected. Molecular weights were estimated by SDS-PAGE. The ICF and cell proteins of infected leaves included PR-proteins of the molecular weights 15–16 kDa (Group 1), 27–28 kDa (Group 3: chitinases) and 36–40 kDa (Group 2a: β-1,3-glucanases). Fractions with different PR-proteins were tested for their effect on infectivity of TMV. Particularly the PR3 and PR2a proteins seem to decrease the infectivity of TMV.

    Z listů hypersenzitivního kultivaru tabáku Xanthi-nc infikovaného virem Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) byly izolovány „pathogenesis-related“ proteiny (PR-proteiny) jak z intercelulárních prostorů (ICF), tak ze zbývajících pletiv, a byl studován jejich vliv na multiplikaci TMV. PR-proteiny ICF byly purifikovány solubilizací klesajícím gradientem síranu amonného, buněčné proteiny kyselou homogenizací zbývajících listových pletiv. ICF a buněčné PR-proteiny byly dále purifikovány iontoměničovou chromatografií na DEAE celulóze. Jednotlivé PR-proteiny byly detekovány diskontinuální nedenaturující elektroforézou na polyakrylamidovém gelu (PAGE) a jejich molekulové hmotnosti byly určeny pomocí SDS-PAGE. Buněčné i ICF proteiny obsahovaly stejné PR-proteiny o molekulových hmotnostech 15–16 kDa (skupina 1), 27–28 kDa (skupina 3: chitinasy) a 36–40 kDa (skupina 2a: β-1,3-glukanasy). Infektivitu TMV významně inhibovaly PR-proteiny skupin PR3 a PR2a.
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