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Geometric and Electronic Similarities between Transition Structures for Electrocyclizations and Sigmatropic Hydrogen Shifts
- 1.0028332 - UCHP-M 20050041 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
Ponec, Robert - Bultinck, P. - Van Damme, S. - Carbó-Dorca, R. - Tantillo, D.J.
Geometric and Electronic Similarities between Transition Structures for Electrocyclizations and Sigmatropic Hydrogen Shifts.
[Geometrická a elektronická podobnost mezi transitními stavy pro elektrocyklické reakce a sigmatropní posuny vodíku.]
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. Roč. 113, č. 4 (2005), s. 205-211. ISSN 1432-881X. E-ISSN 1432-2234
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4072403
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504
Keywords : pericyclic reaction * molecular similarity * multicenter bonding
Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry
Impact factor: 2.179, year: 2005
This paper reports new theoretical evidence that supports previous proposals concerning the similarity between transition structures for electrocyclizations and sigmatropic hydrogen shifts. This evidence was obtained using two recently proposed methodologies, namely the so-called generalized population analysis and the formalism of molecular quantum similarity indices. Analysis of multicenter bond indices shows that the transition structures for cationic [1,n] hydrogen shifts do indeed have three-center indices that are similar to those of other three-center carbocations. In addition, the close resemblance of the electronic structures of electrocyclic and sigmatropic transition structures that differ by only a proton is supported by the values of their quantum molecular similarity indices.
Práce přináší nové teoretické důkazy, potvrzující dřívější návrhy týkající se podobnosti transitních stavů v uvedených typech pericyklických reakcí. Tyto důkazy jsou založeny na dvou nedávno navržených metodologiích kterými je zobecněná populační analysa a formalismus tzv. kvantové molekulární podobnosti.
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