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State boundary surface of a hypoplastic model for clays

  1. 1.
    0026642 - ÚTAM 2007 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Mašín, David - Herle, Ivo
    State boundary surface of a hypoplastic model for clays.
    [Mezní plocha hypoplastického modelu pro jíly.]
    Computers and Geotechnics. Roč. 32, č. 6 (2005), s. 400-410. ISSN 0266-352X. E-ISSN 1873-7633
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/04/0672
    Grant - others:Evropská komise SSPI-CT-2003-501837
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524
    Keywords : hypoplasticity * clay * limit state
    Subject RIV: JM - Building Engineering
    Impact factor: 0.562, year: 2005

    The paper studies some consequences of the mathematical formulation of the recently proposed hypoplastic model for clays. Particular attention is paid to the question if the hypoplastic model predicts existence of the state boundary surface, defined as a boundary of all admissible states in the stress-void ratio space. It is shown that the model enables us to derive an explicit formulation of asymptotic (swept-out-memory) states in the stress-void ratio space, which constitute so-called swept-out-memory surface. Further it is demonstrated that the swept-out-memory surface is a close approximation of the state boundary surface although, in general, they do not coincide. Finally, the influence of constitutive parameters on the shape of the swept-out-memory surface is studied. For parameters reasonable for fine-grained soils its shape is similar to the state boundary surface of the Modified Cam clay model.

    Článek studuje konsekvence matematické formulace hypoplastického modelu pro jíly, zejména pak přítomnost a tvar mezní plochy v prostoru napětí a pórovitosti. Model predikuje mezní plochu obdobnou standartním elasto-plastickým modelům.
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Number of the records: 1  

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