Number of the records: 1
OpenHFDIB-DEM: An open-source CFD-DEM tool for simulating flows with arbitrarily shaped solids
- 1.0602959 - ÚT 2025 eng A - Abstract
Isoz, Martin - Studeník, Ondřej - Kotouč Šourek, M. - Kočí, P.
OpenHFDIB-DEM: An open-source CFD-DEM tool for simulating flows with arbitrarily shaped solids.
[COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2024 conference with international participation /39./. Hotel Srní, 04.11.2024-06.11.2024]
Method of presentation: Přednáška
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH23_020/0008501; GA TA ČR(CZ) TN02000069
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : computational fluid dynamics * discrete element method * non-spherical particles
OECD category: Mechanical engineering
Modeling fluid flows containing dispersed particles of high volumetric fraction presents significant challenges due to the complexity of interactions between solids and fluid as well as between solid particles themselves. In this presentation, we will introduce OpenHFDIB-DEM, an open-source tool that integrates computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the hybrid fictitious domain immersed boundary (HFDIB) approach and the discrete element method (DEM). OpenHFDIB-DEM is developed as a monolithic extension to the OpenFOAM library including our custom DEM implementation. Presently, it allows for CFD-DEM simulations of flows laden with up to ten thousand arbitrarily shaped solids defined as triangulated surfaces, operates at roughly 70 % of parallelization efficiency, and, for spheres, it provides results consistent with LIGGGHTS.
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Number of the records: 1