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Automated preparation and analysis of dried blood spot samples collected by volumetric microsampling
- 1.0599019 - ÚIACH 2025 eng A - Abstract
Kubáň, Pavel - Dvořák, Miloš - Maršala, Richard
Automated preparation and analysis of dried blood spot samples collected by volumetric microsampling.
Book of Abstracts – 3rd European Sample Preparation Conference and 2nd Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry Conference. Chania-Crete: Technical university of Crete, 2024 - (Psillakis, E.). s. 81-81. ISBN 978-618-5558-09-3.
[European Sample Preparation Conference (EuSP2024) /3./ and the Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry Conference (GSAC2024) /2./. 15.09.2024-18.09.2024, Crete, Chania]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA23-05972S
Institutional support: RVO:68081715
Keywords : 3D printing * capillary electrophoresis * dried blood spot * sequential injection
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
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This contribution will discuss two recent solutions developed in our laboratory and will summarize fundamentals and the most recent applications of these novel concepts for the automated analyses of DBS samples collected by commercial volumetric microsampling devices. An all-in-one concept (using a single off-the-shelf capillaryelectrophoresis (CE) instrument) will be presented, which enables automated execution of all tasks of the analytical protocol, including DBS elution, DBS matrix elimination, DBS eluate homogenization, DBS eluate injection, analyte(s) separation, and quantification. A computer-controlled sequential injection (SI) manifold directly coupled to the CE instrument will be also presented for the automated DBS preparation (using the SI part) and analysis (using the CE part) of the resulting DBS eluates. Different modifications of both concepts, prototyping various 3D-printed flow-through designs for the SI-CE set-up, and their future developments will also be highlighted.
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