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Effect of sonication on phase transfer catalysis reaction in continuous flow synthesis

  1. 1.
    0598064 - ÚCHP 2025 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Jaklová, Natalie - Stavárek, Petr - Vychodilová, Hana - Malíková, S. - Salmi, T. - Klusoň, Petr
    Effect of sonication on phase transfer catalysis reaction in continuous flow synthesis.
    Author Index. Prague: Czech Society of Chemical Engineering, 2024. C1.4, č. článku 0370..
    [International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2024 /27./. 25.08.2024-29.08.2024, Prague]
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : catalysis reaction * flow synthesis * sonification
    OECD category: Chemical process engineering

    Based on the collected results, a new objective was set to verify the possibility of applying the obtained knowledge during the study of PTC reactions and ultrasound effects to another type of PTC N-alkylation. The intention was thus to develop general approaches for the continuation and intensification of organic syntheses containing PCT reactions. In contrast to previously studied N-alkylation with liquid-liquid phase system, the newly chosen N-alkylation reaction is carried out at the solid-liquid interface. The hypothesis for the solid-liquid arrangement is that sonication accelerates transport from the surface of the solid phase to the organic phase and thus intensify the reaction. The continuous reactor adjustments to accommodate for the solid phase as well as effect of sonication on the course of the N-alkylation reaction will be provided and discussed based on the experimental results.
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