Number of the records: 1
Crystallographic data with embedded Jana2020 files: Introducing novel redox-active bis(phenolate) N-heterocyclic carbene proligands
- 1.0586870 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data 2024
Neshat, A. - Mobarakeh, A.M. - Yousefshahi, M.R. - Varmaghani, F. - Dušek, Michal - Eigner, Václav - Kučeráková, Monika
Crystallographic data with embedded Jana2020 files: Introducing novel redox-active bis(phenolate) N-heterocyclic carbene proligands.
Description: The file is related to the manuscript „Introducing Novel Redox-Active Bis(phenolate) N‑Heterocyclic
Carbene Proligands: Investigation of Their Coordination to Fe(II)/Fe(III) and Their Catalytic Activity in Transfer Hydrogenation of Carbonyl Compounds“ and is given in the CIF format, which applies to crystallographic data. The file contains embedded files of the Jana2020 software (freely available at, which can be used to reproduce all crystallographic results of the manuscript.
Keywords : Carbene bisphenolate ligands * pincer proligands * synthesis * spectroscopy * crystal structure * jana2020
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004594
Institutional support: RVO:68378271
OECD category: Mineralogy
Depositor: admin
Date of release: 17.6.2024
ASEP publication:
Introducing novel redox-active bis(phenolate) N-heterocyclic carbene proligands: investigation of their coordination to Fe(II)/Fe(III) and their catalytic activity in transfer hydrogenation of carbonyl compounds
License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International licenseFile Download Size Commentary Access File list 51 916.4 KB open-access
Number of the records: 1