Number of the records: 1
Unraveling the neglected role of UV radiation on stomata: a meta-analysis with implications for modeling ecosystem-climate interactions
- 1.0581870 - ÚVGZ DATA Scientific data 2024
Ač, Alexander
Unraveling the neglected role of UV radiation on stomata: a meta-analysis with implications for modeling ecosystem-climate interactions.
Description: Data použitá pro metaanalýzu UV efektu na průduchy ve studii A. Ače et al. (2024) Odhalení opomíjené role UV záření na průduchách: metaanalýza s důsledky pro modelování interakcí mezi ekosystémy a klimatem (Unraveling the neglected role of UV radiation on stomata: a meta-analysis with implications for modeling ecosystem-climate interactions) publikovaná v Plant, Cell & Environment.
[Data used for the meta-analysis of UV effect on stomata in the study by A. Ač et al. (2024) Unraveling the neglected role of UV radiation on stomata: a meta-analysis with implications for modeling ecosystem-climate interactions published in Plant, Cell & Environment.]
Keywords : plant stress responses * stomatal aperture, stomatal size and density * stomatal conductance and transpiration * ultraviolet radiation
OECD category: Plant sciences, botany
Depositor: Urban, OtmarFile Download Size Commentary Access PCE_23-1248_SupplementaryTable S1.xlsx 67 59.6 KB open-access Date of release: 25.1.2024Institutional support: RVO:86652079License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
Number of the records: 1