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10-µJ few-cycle 12-µm source based on difference-frequency generation driven by a 1-kHz mid-wave infrared OPCPA
- 1.0558402 - FZÚ 2023 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Duda, Martin - von Grafenstein, L. - Bock, M. - Ueberschaer, D. - Fuertjes, P. - Roškot, Lukáš - Smrž, Martin - Novák, Ondřej - Griebner, U.
10-µJ few-cycle 12-µm source based on difference-frequency generation driven by a 1-kHz mid-wave infrared OPCPA.
Optics Letters. Roč. 47, č. 11 (2022), s. 2891-2894. ISSN 0146-9592. E-ISSN 1539-4794
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT EF15_006/0000674
EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 739573 - HiLASE CoE; European Commission(XE) 871124 - LASERLAB-EUROPE
Grant - others:OP VVV - HiLASE-CoE(XE) CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_006/0000674
Institutional support: RVO:68378271
Keywords : DFG * non-linear crystals * high-energy lasers * ultrashort pulses lasers
OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
Impact factor: 3.6, year: 2022 ; AIS: 0.813, rok: 2022
Method of publishing: Open access with time embargo
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We report on high-energy, few-cycle pulse generation in the long-wave infrared spectral region via difference-frequency generation (DFG) in GaSe and AgGaSe2 nonlinear crystals. The DFG is driven by the signal at 3.5 mu m and idler at 5 mu m of a high-power mid-wave infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system operating at a 1-kHz repetition rate. The DFG pulses contain up to 17 mu J of energy and cover a spectrum from 8.5 mu m to 14.5 mu m. They are generated with a conversion efficiency of 2.1 %. Compression results in 10.2-mu J pulses with sub-150-fs duration, corresponding to less than four optical cycles. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group
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