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The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument

  1. 1.
    0524107 - ÚFA 2021 RIV FR eng J - Journal Article
    Maksimovic, M. - Bale, S. D. - Chust, T. - Khotyaintsev, Y. - Krasnoselskikh, V. - Kretzschmar, M. - Plettemeier, D. - Rucker, H. O. - Souček, Jan - Steller, M. - Štverák, Štěpán - Trávníček, Pavel M. - Vaivads, A. - Chaintreuil, S. - Dekkali, M. - Alexandrova, O. - Astier, P.-A. - Barbary, G. - Bérard, D. - Bonnin, X. - Boughedada, K. - Cecconi, B. - Chapron, F. - Chariet, M. - Collin, C. - Conchy de, Y. - Dias, D. - Guéguen, L. - Lamy, L. - Leray, V. - Lion, S. - Malac-Allain, L.R. - Matteini, L. - Nguyen, Q. N. - Pantellini, F. - Parisot, J. - Plasson, P. - Thijs, S. - Vecchio, A. - Fratter, I. - Bellouard, E. - Lorfévre, E. - Danto, P. - Julien, S. - Guilhem, E. - Fiachetti, C. - Sanisidro, J. - Laffaye, C. - Gonzalez, F. - Pontet, B. - Quéruel, N. - Jannet, G. - Fergeau, P. - Brochot, J. - Y. - Cassam-Chenai, G. - Dudok de Wit, T. - Timofeeva, M. - Vincent, T. - Agrapart, C. - Delory, G.T. - Turin, P. - Jeandet, A. - LeRoy, P. - Pellion, J.-C. - Bouzid, V. - Katra, B. - Piberne, R. - Recart, W. - Santolík, Ondřej - Kolmašová, Ivana - Krupař, Vratislav - Krupařová, Oksana - Píša, David - Uhlíř, Luděk - Lán, Radek - Baše, Jiří - Åhlen, L. - André, M. - Bylander, L. - Cripps, V. - Cully, C. - Eriksson, A. - Jansson, S.-E. - Johansson, E.P.G. - Karlsson, T. - Puccio, W. - Břínek, J. - Öttacher, H. - Panchenko, M. - Berthomier, M. - Goetz, K. - Hellinger, Petr - Horbury, T.S. - Issautier, K. - Kontar, E. - Krucker, S. - Le Contel, O. - Louarn, P. - Martinović, M. - Owen, C. J. - Retino, A. - Rodríguez-Pacheco, J. - Sahraoui, F. - Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. - Zaslavsky, A. - Zouganelis, I.
    The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics. Roč. 642, October (2020), č. článku A12. ISSN 0004-6361. E-ISSN 1432-0746
    Institutional support: RVO:68378289 ; RVO:67985815
    Keywords : Solar Wind * space instrumentation * plasma and radio waves
    OECD category: Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics); Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics) (ASU-R)
    Impact factor: 5.803, year: 2020 ; AIS: 1.51, rok: 2020
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:


    The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument on the ESA Solar Orbiter mission is described in this paper. This instrument is designed to measure in-situ magnetic and electric fields and waves from the continuous to a few hundreds of kHz. RPW will also observe solar radio emissions up to 16 MHz. The RPW instrument is of primary importance to the Solar Orbiter mission and science requirements since it is essential to answer three of the four mission overarching science objectives. In addition RPW will exchange on-board data with the other in-situ instruments in order to process algorithms for interplanetary shocks and type III langmuir waves detections.
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    0524107_Astr_AStroph_Soucek_2020.pdf113.3 MBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
Number of the records: 1  

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