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Fabrication of functional nanostructures in thin silicon nitride membranes

  1. 1.
    0512151 - ÚPT 2020 JO eng A - Abstract
    Matějka, Milan - Chlumská, Jana - Krátký, Stanislav - Řiháček, Tomáš - Knápek, Alexandr - Kolařík, Vladimír
    Fabrication of functional nanostructures in thin silicon nitride membranes.
    Fourth International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA 4). Book of Abstracts. Amman: Jordan University of Science & Technology, 2019.
    [The Fourth International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA 4). 02.05.2019-04.05.2019, Amman]
    Institutional support: RVO:68081731
    Keywords : thin dielectric layers * silicon nitride * membranes * electron beam lithography
    Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering

    The silicon nitride (SiN) films are typically used in semiconductor industry as a masking or dielectric layer. SiN films are used also as a base material for membrane fabrication that can be used for microelectronic and micro optic devices (MEMS, MOMS) to modify electromagnetic radiation or charged particle beams distribution, phase or spectrum. While the basic procedure of fabrication membranes is well described, the micro- and nanopatterning of its surface brings new challenges and functionality.
    This paper presents a fabrication method of nano perforated SiN dielectric membrane in a silicon frame using ultra-high resolution electron-beam lithography (EBL) and reactive ion etching (RIE) technique. Silicon chips with freestanding membranes are obtained by standard silicon fabrication procedures. Preparation procedures for pattern transfer in the SiN layer through the metal and polymer etch mask are presented, involving advanced lithographic, deposition and etching techniques. Theoretical aspects are summarized including technological issues, achieved results and application potential of patterned silicon nitride membranes. The properties of experimentally fabricated charged particle optics device consisting of nano-patterned SiN membrane developed for electron vortex generation in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) are described. Additional possibility of using these nanostructured membranes is also discussed.

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Number of the records: 1  

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