Number of the records: 1
Advances in Animal Science and Zoology
- 1.0511747 - BC 2020 RIV US eng M - Monography Chapter
Vejřík, Lukáš - Vejříková, Ivana - Peterka, Jiří - Čech, Martin
Methods for capturing catfish and potential regulation of catfish population.
Advances in Animal Science and Zoology. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2019 - (Jenkins, O.), s. 135-142. ISBN 978-1-53616-048-2
Institutional support: RVO:60077344
Keywords : angling * long-lines * ichthyologic methods
OECD category: Zoology
European catfish is a fish species that is difficult to capture by standard ichthyologic methods (gillnets, trawls, purse and beach seines etc.). The poor capture success by nets is due to the large cylindrical body shape, slimy scale-less skin, distinct ability of reverse swimming and unconventional ecology and behaviour. Electrofishing is commonly used method but it is not so efficient due to low reach and avoidance reaction of a fish. Speer fishing is an efficient and occasionally used method, however, high water visibility is needed and the individual is killed, which is not always desirable. Angling with supporting buoy and fish bait seems to be the most efficient method. Moreover, angling is a very efficient technique when, besides the bait, also mechanical catfish lure is used. However, it is a time consuming method as far as more catfish individuals are needed. Therefore, a method of long-lines is an ideal fishing technique with high efficiency, low financial and time requirements and low number of people needed for installation and handling. The method simulates angling with supporting buoy that is commonly used by sport fishermen. The fish individuals are caught alive and only low mortality is connected with the method of long-lines in comparison to other methods.
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Number of the records: 1