Number of the records: 1
Determination of stability constants of antamanide complexes with sodium and potassium ions by affinity capillary electrophoresis
- 1.0493502 - ÚOCHB 2019 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Pangavhane, Sachin - Böhm, S. - Makrlík, E. - Ruzza, P. - Kašička, Václav
Determination of stability constants of antamanide complexes with sodium and potassium ions by affinity capillary electrophoresis.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2018 - (Bednář, P.; Cechová, M.; Kučera, L.; Kurka, O.), s. 103-104
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc (CZ), 29.01.2018-01.02.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : affinity capillary electrophoresis * antamanide * binding constant
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) was applied for quantitative investigation of the interactions between important biomolecule, cyclic decapeptide antamanide (AA), cycl[-Val(1)-Pro(2)-Pro(3)-Ala(4)-Phe(5)-Phe(6)-Pro(7)-Pro(8)-Phe(9)-Phe(10)-], and sodium and potassium cations in methanol. Apparent stability constants of AA complexes with these alkali metal ions were determined from the dependence of effective mobility of AA on the concentration of these ions in the background electrolyte by the non-linear regression analysis. The AA complexes with Na+ and K+ ions were found to be relatively weak, with the apparent stability constants 343 L/mol and 35 L/mol, respectively.
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Number of the records: 1