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Municipalities adapt to urban climate change - by effective use of green infrastructure for nature-based solutions and existing actor networks

  1. 1.
    0481797 - ÚVGZ 2019 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Streberová, Eva - Sylla, Marta - Lorencová, Eliška - Loučková, Blanka - Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana - Frélichová, Jana - Pártl, Adam - Vačkář, David
    Municipalities adapt to urban climate change - by effective use of green infrastructure for nature-based solutions and existing actor networks.
    Proceedings of the European Conference “Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings“. Bonn: Federal agency for nature conservation, 2017 - (Kabisch, N.; Stadler, J.; Duffield, S.; Korn, H.; Bonn, A.), s. 72-74. ISBN 978-3-89624-193-1.
    [European Conference “Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings“. Bonn (DE), 17.11.2015-19.11.2015]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1415
    Grant - others:EHP,MF ČR(CZ) EHP-CZ02-OV-1-036-2015
    Program: CZ02 Biodiverzita a ekosystémové služby / Monitorování a integrované plánování a kontrola v životním prostředí/ Adaptace na změnu klimatu
    Institutional support: RVO:86652079
    Keywords : urban adaptation * climate change * ecosystem-based approaches
    OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)

    Urbanised areas are becoming more vulnerable to climate change, because of unfavourable socio-demographic trends and gradual pressure on natural resources from urbanisation (EEA 2012). Currently 74% of the population in the Czech Republic lives in cities and the number of urban dwellers is estimated to increase to 90% by 2100 (CZECH STATISTICAL OF-FICE 2015). Moreover, the share of the most vulnerable within a population, which is the number of people over 65 years of age, is expected to increase by 16% in 2050 (CZECH STA-TISTICAL OFFICE 2013). The future prognosis of climate change scenarios for the upcoming 30 years is that Czech cities are to expect extreme weather events, floods and heat waves more often as a result of continuously increasing temperatures.
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