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Sediment of a Central European Mountain Lake Implies an Extraterrestrial Impact at the Younger Dryas Onset

  1. 1.
    0480739 - BÚ 2018 US eng A1 - Journal Abstract
    Vondrák, D. - Kletetschka, G. - Hrubá, J. - Nábělek, L. - Procházka, V. - Svitavská-Svobodová, Helena - Bobek, Přemysl - Hořická, Zuzana - Kadlec, Jaroslav - Takáč, M. - Stuchlík, Evžen
    Sediment of a Central European Mountain Lake Implies an Extraterrestrial Impact at the Younger Dryas Onset.
    Meteoritics & Planetary Science. Roč. 52, S1 (2017), A373-A373, č. článku 6230. ISSN 1086-9379. E-ISSN 1945-5100.
    [Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society /80./. 23.07.2017-28.07.2017, Santa Fe]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-05935S
    Institutional support: RVO:67985939 ; RVO:60077344 ; RVO:67985530
    Keywords : Younger Dryas * Extraterrestrial Impact * Central Europe
    OECD category: Plant sciences, botany

    The Younger Dryas is cold period recorded over the Northern Hemisphere. The sudden climate cahnge is discussed by scientific community. Recent discoveries have revealed new evidence of imact proxies (incl. glassy microsphwerules), supporting a possibility of a major cosmic impact/airburst event caused by a fragmented comet or asteroid.
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Number of the records: 1  

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