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Effect of loading strategies on removal efficiencies of a hybrid constructed wetland treating agricultural wastewaters

  1. 1.
    0443080 - ÚEB 2016 CN eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Hudcová, T. - Šereš, M. - Vymazal, J. - Vaněk, Tomáš
    Effect of loading strategies on removal efficiencies of a hybrid constructed wetland treating agricultural wastewaters.
    Proceeding of the International water association. Shanghai: Tongji University, 2014, s. 735-743.
    [International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS2014). Shanghai (CN), 12.10.2014-16.10.2014]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR TA01020573
    Institutional support: RVO:61389030
    Keywords : Accumulation * constructed wetlands * heavy metals
    Subject RIV: DJ - Water Pollution ; Quality

    ln this study, the performance of a constructed wetland lbl treating wastcwatcl from small tárm Was tcstcd. The constructed wetland 1_or 75 PE with horizontal sLlbstll1'ace flow at Chrámce. c7eoh ccntťal Mountains' Czech Republic. was built in 20l l. A HF-IlF-VIl hybrid constructed wet]and has been dcsigncd to treat Wastewater liom the agriculture ploduction (proccssing oí fruits' sheep' pigs, production of .iams. spirits and wine, etc.). The mecl]anical prctreatment consists of two accumulatioll tanks (tbť diltěrent Wastewater types) liom which the wastewatcr is intermittently purnped into a settling tank' 'I'he treatment system oonsisls of two hořizontal 1low bcds and one vertical Ílow bed with intermittent feeding''l'hc filtcrs are planted /iÍh PhraEmiles au|tťali.^' Phalaris arundinace,:l, h'is pseudacorus, Iťis sibil'ica, Glyceria naxima and LythrLlm salicaria' Foť tertiaťy tťcatment. thlee shallow ponds with liltolal vegetation ale dcsigncd' Dur'ing the leed batch opcration the inflow values up to 25.400 mg/L CoD and 2'640 mďL BoDi rvere reduced by up to 99%. ']'he volume of each lěed batch rvas applied at one to fivc day intervals' AIso, the ellěcl of dischargcd ýatcr on the littoral zone of aquatic biolopes has been cvaluatcd' 'l'his knowledge is necessary lor the cťeation oía stable' altiliciaI water systeln.
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    2014_Hudcova_International Conference on Wetland Systems_735.pdf93 MBOtheropen-access
Number of the records: 1  

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