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Constitutive model for shape memory alloys featuring a novel, microscopically motivated dissipation distance

  1. 1.
    0439989 - ÚT 2016 DE eng A - Abstract
    Frost, Miroslav - Sedlák, Petr - Benešová, B.
    Constitutive model for shape memory alloys featuring a novel, microscopically motivated dissipation distance.
    14th GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures 2015. Regensburg: Department of Mathematics, University of Regensburg, 2015. s. 9-9.
    [GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures /14./. 16.01.2015-17.01.2015, Regensburg]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) DAAD/14/11; GA ČR(CZ) GP14-28306P; GA ČR GA14-15264S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388998
    Keywords : dissipation distance * shape memory alloys * microstructure
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    Result website:

    Inspired by experimental results on evolution of SMA microstructure, we formulate a set of modelling assumptions leading to a novel form of dissipation. It includes contributions from phase transformation as well as reorientation of martensite. The resulting formula is rate independent, couples internal variables and it is asymmetric with respect to forward/reverse transformation. The dissipation distance is complemented by a standard form of the free energy potential to construct a macroscopic constitutive model for thermomechanical loading of SMA polycrystalline alloys. We also present mathematical analysis as well as numerical implementation of the model.
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Number of the records: 1  

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