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Phytoplasmas and phytoplasma disease management: how to reduce their economic impact

  1. 1.
    0439207 - BC 2015 RIV IT eng M - Monography Chapter
    Přibylová, Jaroslava - Špak, Josef - Fránová, Jana
    Phytoplasma infections in Rhododendron hybridum.
    Phytoplasmas and phytoplasma disease management: how to reduce their economic impact. Bologna: IPWG - International Phytoplasmologist Working Group, 2014 - (Bertaccini, A.), s. 137-142. ISBN 978-88-909922-0-9
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LD12074
    Institutional support: RVO:60077344
    Keywords : Electron microscopy * PCR * phytoplasma * sequencing
    Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology

    The survey of the health status of azaleas and rhododendrons on production areas in the Czech Republic started in 2006. Symptoms of unknown aetiology on Rhododendron hybridum cultivar Cunningham’s White were observed in 2010. The infected plant had malformed leaves, with irregular shaped edges, mosaic, leaf tip necrosis and multiple axillary shoots with smaller leaves. Transmission electron microscopy showed phytoplasma-like bodies in phloem cells of the symptomatic plant. Phytoplasma presence was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction using phytoplasma-specific, universal and group specific primer pairs. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rDNA enabled classification of the detected phytoplasma in the aster yellows subgroup 16SrI-C. Sequence analysis of the 16S-23S ribosomal operon of the amplified phytoplasma from the infected rhododendron plant (1,724 bp) confirmed the closest relationship with the Czech Echinacea purpurea phyllody phytoplasma.
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