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Multilevel Analysis of Continuous AE from Helicopter Gearbox

  1. 1.
    0438511 - ÚT 2015 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
    Chlada, Milan - Převorovský, Zdeněk - Heřmánek, Jan - Krofta, Josef
    Multilevel Analysis of Continuous AE from Helicopter Gearbox.
    E-Journal of Nondestructive Testing & Ultrasonics. Roč. 19, č. 12 (2014). ISSN 1435-4934.
    [European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT 2014) /11./. Praha, 06.10.2014-10.10.2014]
    R&D Projects: GA MPO FR-TI3/755
    Institutional support: RVO:61388998
    Keywords : structural health monitoring (SHM) * signal processing * acoustic emission (AE) * diagnostics of helicopter gearbox * wavelet analysis * continuous acoustic emission
    Subject RIV: JU - Aeronautics, Aerodynamics, Aircrafts
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    Acoustic Emission (AE) analyzers for the purpose of structural health or condition monitoring should provide longtime continuous signal records with relatively high sampling frequency. Recorded huge data must be analyzed to disclose any faults in monitored processes or structures like e.g. leakages in pressure vessels or defects in rotating machines and gearboxes, etc. Fast and reliable AE signal processing and analyzing methods are required. In this paper we present such analysis of continuous AE recorded during tests of renovated helicopter gearboxes. Four-channel continuous AE recording system with 4 MHz sampling rate was used in the tests performed under variable 'flight' simulation regimes. As an alternative to classical spectrogram analysis, we proposed to use histograms of time intervals between crossings of threshold amplitudes (multilevel counting) in the wavelet decomposition details. Results obtained on long-time records are discussed.
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Number of the records: 1  

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