Number of the records: 1  

Doppler experiment deployed under the South crest of the EA to study magnetosphre-ionosphere-troposphere coupling and its impact on ionospheric variability

  1. 1.
    0426457 - ÚFA 2014 RIV AR eng O - Others
    Burešová, Dalia - Mosert, M. E. - Chum, Jaroslav - Baše, Jiří - Hruška, František - Laštovička, Jan - Cabrera, M. A. - Ise, J. E. - Cangemi, J. I. - Ezquer, R. G. - Bilbao, J. D. - Miranda Bonomi, F. - Molina, M. G. - Scidá, L. A. - Levato, H.
    Doppler experiment deployed under the South crest of the EA to study magnetosphre-ionosphere-troposphere coupling and its impact on ionospheric variability.
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 7AMB12AR018
    Keywords : Doppler * ionosphere * gravity waves * variability
    Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Sciences, Meteorology
    Result website:

    The ionosphere is unique and greatly variable part of the Earth’s environment due to strong coupling to regions below and above. Interest in both spatial and temporal ionospheric variability has increased recently as radio systems become more responsive. Ionospheric parameters exhibit variations on a wide range of time-scales, ranging from years to minutes. Many processes originating in the lower atmosphere occur as the result of upward-propagating tides, planetary waves, gravity waves and infrasound waves, through which energy and momentum are transmitted from lower to upper atmospheric layers. Atmospheric Gravity waves (AGWs) are oscillations with periods between several minutes and several hours. They were observed and studied in the lower ionosphere as well as in the E and F regions using radars (ionosondes, Doppler sounder, etc.), GPS technique, and optical range measurement in neutral component. Most of these measurements have been performed during specific campaigns.
    Permanent Link:

Number of the records: 1  

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