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Lymphoscintigraphy of Upper Limbs: A Bayesian Framework

  1. 1.
    0411109 - UTIA-B 20030096 RIV CZ eng L - Prototype, f. module
    Gebouský, Petr - Kárný, Miroslav - Quinn, A.
    Lymphoscintigraphy of Upper Limbs: A Bayesian Framework.
    [Lymphositygraf horních končetin: Bayesovský přístup.]
    Internal code: Uplatněná metodika ; Oxford: University Press, 2003
    Technical parameters: uplatněná metodika - kapitola v monografii
    Economic parameters: žádné. ISBN 0-19-852615-6. Bayesian Statistics 7. - (Bernardo, J.; Bayarri, M.; Berger, J.). s. 543-552
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564; GA AV ČR IBS1075102; GA MZd NC7601
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : Bayesian estimation * dynamic model identification * quantitative lymphoscintigraphy
    Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics

    Lymphoscintigraphy is a diagnostic technique in nuclear medicine used for the investigation of upper limb lymphedema. Typically, only 2 or 3 snapshots of the distribution of radio-tracer in the limb can be obtained. Hence, traditional inferences of important physiological indicators are completely unreliable. The Bayesian paradigm, exploiting available prior information in conjunction with a simplified model of the diffusion dynamics, is used to obtain reliable quantitative evaluations here.

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