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7th International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites. Book of Abstracts

  1. 1.
    0381584 - ÚMCH 2013 RIV CZ eng G - Proceedings (international conference)
    Pfleger, Jiří - Dušková, Miroslava - Kenny, J. M.
    7th International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites. Book of Abstracts.
    Prague: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v. v. i, 2012. 409 s. ISBN 978-80-85009-71-2.
    [International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites /7./. Prague (CZ), 24.04.2012-27.04.2012]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 7E10040
    EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 247745 - FlexNet; European Commission(XE) 290490 - ECNP-GROWTH
    Institutional support: RVO:61389013
    Keywords : nanostructured polymers * nanocomposites
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry

    The abstract book of the 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites contains abstracts of 4 plenary lectures, 18 invited lectures, 93 oral contributions and 127 posters . The major part of the contributions were focused on functional polymers for optoelectronics and sensing, polymer nanocomposites for biomedical application, and polymers with nanofillers (carbon nanotubes, graphene and nanofibres).
    Permanent Link:

Number of the records: 1  

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