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Ionization of the Hydrogen Atom: from Weak to Strong Static Electric Fields

  1. 1.
    0181742 - UFCH-W 20030179 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Durand, P. - Paidarová, Ivana
    Ionization of the Hydrogen Atom: from Weak to Strong Static Electric Fields.
    European Physical Journal D. Roč. 26, - (2003), s. 253-259. ISSN 1434-6060. E-ISSN 1434-6079
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/00/1025; GA ČR GA203/01/1274
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901
    Keywords : electric fields * ionization * hydrogen atom
    Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry
    Impact factor: 1.612, year: 2003

    We present a study of the ionization of the hydrogen atom by weak and strong static electric fields from the ground state and from some excited states. The under- and above- the ionization barrier dynamical regimes are accurately computed for short and long times. The results are interpreted through the spectral density which emphasizes, for transitory regimes, the role of the resonances arising from the ground and from the lowest excited statesThe observability of the dynamics is discussed.
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