Number of the records: 1  

Electrochemical, Spectroscopic and EPR Study of Transition Metal Complexes of Dipyridol[3,2-a: 2', 3'-c]Phenazine

  1. 1.
    0180774 - UFCH-W 990200 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Fees, J. - Ketterle, M. - Klein, A. - Fiedler, Jan - Kaim, W.
    Electrochemical, Spectroscopic and EPR Study of Transition Metal Complexes of Dipyridol[3,2-a: 2', 3'-c]Phenazine.
    Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions. č. 15 (1999), s. 2595-2599. ISSN 0300-9246
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/97/1048
    Subject RIV: CG - Electrochemistry
    Impact factor: 2.310, year: 1999
    Permanent Link:


Number of the records: 1  

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