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Overexpression of v-myb oncogene or c-myb proto-oncogene in insect cells: Characterization of newly induced nucleolus-like structures accumulating Myb protein

  1. 1.
    0173593 - UEM-P 20023041 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Pliss, Artem - Raška, Ivan - Štulík, J. - Dvořáková, Marta
    Overexpression of v-myb oncogene or c-myb proto-oncogene in insect cells: Characterization of newly induced nucleolus-like structures accumulating Myb protein.
    International Journal of Molecular Medicine. Roč. 9, - (2002), s. 547-554. ISSN 1107-3756. E-ISSN 1791-244X
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA204/97/0914; GA ČR GA204/00/0554; GA ČR GA304/00/1481; GA ČR GA304/02/0342; GA ČR GA204/00/0271
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906; CEZ:MSM 111100003
    Keywords : light and electron microscopy * baculovirus transfected insect cells * overexpressed Myb protein
    Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
    Impact factor: 2.063, year: 2002

    We investigated the subcellular localization of Myb proteins in cultured non-synchronized insect cells transfected with recombinant baculoviruses overexpressing either v-myb oncogene or c-myb proto-oncogene. The cell expressing Myb proteins underwent extensive nuclear changes and exhibited distinct nuclear structures resembling nucleoli. The bulk of v-Myb and c-Myb proteins accumulated in such nucleolus-like structures which, according to the nucleolar nomenclature, we classified to three types: compact of enlarged size (type I), large ring-shaped (type II) and with nucleolonemas (types III).
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