Number of the records: 1  

Stosunki wodne w obumierajacym lesie Ľwierkowym w Karkonoszach

  1. 1.
    0170681 - UEK-B 20020049 RIV PL pol J - Journal Article
    Kowalik, P. - Cudlín, Pavel
    Stosunki wodne w obumierajacym lesie Ľwierkowym w Karkonoszach.
    [Water relations in declining spruce forest in Karkonosze mountains.]
    Czasopismo techniczne inťyniera Ľrodowiska. Roč. 99, 4-S (2002), s. 27-35. ISSN 0011-4561
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6087904
    Keywords : forest decline * water relations * Norway spruce
    Subject RIV: GK - Forestry

    Z przeprowadzonych badan wynika, ze obumieranie lasow zwiazane zdrastycznym obnizeniem pH w glebach wywolane zostalo zanieczyszczeniami przemyslowymi.

    The programme of the research includes use of the SPAC model, taking into account how soil acidity will influence root density and transpiration of trees. Main results are connected to the simulation of these relation between root density and transpiration of trees, taking into account the actual soil water contentand soil water stress (pF of soil water). These relations will indicate how the Mountain forest ecosystem can be influenced and which action would bring the most desirable results in terms of reforestation.
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Number of the records: 1  

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