Number of the records: 1  

Long-term effects of elevated CO2 on woody tissues respiration of Norway spruce studied in open-top chambers

  1. 1.
    0170507 - UEK-B 20000038 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
    Janouš, Dalibor - Pokorný, Radek - Brossaud, Jack - Marek, Michal V.
    Long-term effects of elevated CO2 on woody tissues respiration of Norway spruce studied in open-top chambers.
    Biologia Plantarum. Roč. 43, č. 1 (2000), s. 41-46. ISSN 0006-3134. E-ISSN 1573-8264
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA522/96/1106; GA MŠMT OK 127
    Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour
    Impact factor: 0.424, year: 2000

    Differences between the E and A variants were statistically significant only for roots in the aurumn. Stem maintenance respiration /Rms/ measured to a standard temperature of 15 C to estimate the seasonal course. At the end of the season the stem respiration in E decreased slower than in in A, indicating some prolongation of the physiological activity under the elevated CO2 concentration.
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Number of the records: 1  

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