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Sampling of persistent organic pollutants in the environment using SPMDs

  1. 1.
    0162474 - UIACH-O 20033037 RIV CS eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Čáslavský, Josef - Kotlaříková, Pavla - Benešová, Karolína
    Sampling of persistent organic pollutants in the environment using SPMDs.
    II Regional Symposium Chemistry and the Environment. Proceedings. Beograd: Serbian Chemical Society, 2003 - (Todorovic, M.; Veselinovic, D.; Radmanovic, D.; Šolevic, T.; Trbovic, D.), s. 51-52. ISBN 86-7132-015-4.
    [Regional Symposium Chemistry and the Environment /2./. Kruševac (NQ), 18.06.2003-22.06.2003]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/01/0836
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4031919
    Keywords : passive sampling * SPMDs * semipermeable membranes
    Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation

    Passive sampling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in water, air and soil becomes more and more popular. Advantages of these methods are evident: passive samplers are cheap and simple to deploy, they can be exposed anywhere, because no electricity is needed - the flow of organic pol1utant from the sampled medium to the sampler is driven by the difference of chemical potentials. For the quantitation, the values of calibration constants called "Sampling Rates" are needed. We tried to evaluate the Sampling Rate values for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the base of comparison of their amounts sequestered by SPMDs with varying exposition period and the results obtained from co-located continual active samplers. An attempt to set up the model describing the transport of pollutants from air to the device was also made.
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