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Civic culture and political involvement of East European youth in a comparative perspective

  1. 1.
    0158357 - PSU-E 20023109 RIV SIGLE BG eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Klicperová-Baker, Martina - Kovacheva, S. - Titarenko, L. - Feirarbend, I. K. - Hofstetter, C. R.
    Civic culture and political involvement of East European youth in a comparative perspective.
    International conference Non-violence and dialogue culture among the young generation - pathway to ethnic peace in Southeast Europe. Sofia: Youth of Central And Eastern Europe, 2002, s. 58-67.
    [International conference Non-violence and dialogue culture among the young generation - pathway to ethnic peace in Southeast Europe. Plovdiv (BG), 21.09.2002-22.09.2002]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA406/00/0587
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7025918
    Keywords : Youth * civic culture * political culture
    Subject RIV: AN - Psychology

    Cross cultural comparison of young people (16-29 years) from four post-communist countries - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Belarus and Slovakia was primarily focused on the analysis of political culture. Extensive surveys of 1015 respondents confirmed both our hypotheses: 1.Democracy is a shared international value ů incipient civic culture is the dominant ideology of young people of most studied countries; 2. Nations under study manifested specific differences in their political culture related to the different experience with democracy in the past.
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