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Phylogeny and sequence variability of the Sarcocystis singaporensis Zaman and Colley, (1975) 1976 ssrDNA

  1. 1.
    0157586 - PAU-O 20023061 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
    Šlapeta, Jan Roger - Kyselová, Iveta - Richardson, A. O. - Modrý, David - Lukeš, Julius
    Phylogeny and sequence variability of the Sarcocystis singaporensis Zaman and Colley, (1975) 1976 ssrDNA.
    Parasitology Research. Roč. 88, č. 9 (2002), s. 810-815. ISSN 0932-0113. E-ISSN 1432-1955
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA524/00/P015; GA AV ČR KSK6005114
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6022909
    Keywords : Sarcocystis * phylogeny * ssrDNA
    Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine
    Impact factor: 1.046, year: 2002

    The coccidium Sarcocystis singaporensis (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) is a cyst-forming parasite with potential as a biological agent for the control of wild populations of rodents in non-native environments. Phylogenetic analysis based on the ssrDNA supports S. singaporensis isolates as a sister species to sarcosporidians transmitted between snakes and rodents but an association with the carnivore-ruminant Sarcocystis spp. could not be rejected by likelihood ratio tests. Four complete and six partial ssrDNA sequences representing this species are monophyletic in any tree reconstruction method; however, they possess very high pairwise distances of up to 0.053. The obtained sequences suggest the probable existence of at least two divergent paralogous ssrDNAs. Moreover, our results support the co-evolution of lsrDNA and ssrDNA in S. singaporensis. The utility of coccidian lsrDNA and ssrDNA for evolutionary studies and their abundance in the primary nucleotide databases is discussed.
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Number of the records: 1  

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