Number of the records: 1
Localization of Male-Specifically Expressed MROS Genes of Silene latifolia by PCR on Flow-Sorted Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes
- 1.0126464 - BFU-R 20013024 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Kejnovský, Eduard - Vrána, Jan - Matsunaga, S. - Souček, Přemysl - Široký, Jiří - Doležel, Jaroslav - Vyskot, Boris
Localization of Male-Specifically Expressed MROS Genes of Silene latifolia by PCR on Flow-Sorted Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes.
Genetics. Roč. 158, č. 3 (2001), s. 1269-1277. ISSN 0016-6731. E-ISSN 1943-2631
R&D Projects: GA ČR GV521/96/K117; GA ČR GA521/99/0696; GA MŠMT ME 380
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5004920
Keywords : Plant Melandrium-album * dioecious Silene * Y-chromosome
Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics
Impact factor: 4.803, year: 2001
To localize the MROS (male-specifically expressed genes) in the dioecious Silene latifolia (white campion) flow-sorted chromosomes were used as a template for PCR with specific primers. Our results indicate that the MROS3 gene is located in at least two copies tandemly arranged on the X chromosome with additional copies on the autosomes, while MROS1, MROS2, and MROS4 are exclusively autosomal. Homology search of databases has shown the presence of five MROS3 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana
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Number of the records: 1