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Erbium doped gallium nitride thin films

  1. 1.
    0105582 - UJF-V 20043125 RIV CZ eng G - Proceedings (international conference)
    Prajzler, V. - Hüttel, I. - Špirková, J. - Schröfel, J. - Machovič, V. - Peřina, Vratislav - Říha, K. (ed.) - Andrejsek, J. (ed.) - Houkal, L. (ed.) - Husník, L. - Kabelik, K. (ed.)
    Erbium doped gallium nitride thin films.
    [Galium-nitridové vrstvy dopované erbiem.]
    Praha: Czech Technical University, 2004. 2 s. ISBN 80-01-02945-X. A.
    [CTU Reports Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Praha (CZ), 10.02.2003-12.02.2003]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA104/03/0385
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
    Keywords : thin films * erbium * GaN
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders

    The paper describes the preparation and properties of gallium nitride layers with erbiu content.

    Práce pojednává o přípravě a vlastnostech galiumnitridových vrstev s obsahem erbia.
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Number of the records: 1  

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