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Characterization of human seminal plasma proteins homologous to boar spermadhesin AQN 1

  1. 1.
    0105279 - UMG-J 20043026 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kraus, Marek - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, Věra
    Characterization of human seminal plasma proteins homologous to boar spermadhesin AQN 1.
    [Charakterizace proteinů lidské semenné plazmy homologních s kančím spermadhezinem AQN 1.]
    2004. In: Biology of Reproduction. Oxford University Press, s. 308. ISSN 0006-3363. E-ISSN 1529-7268.
    [Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction /37./. Vancouver (CA), 01.08.2004-04.08.2004]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA303/02/0433; GA ČR GP303/02/P069; GA MZd NJ7463
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915
    Keywords : human seminal plasma * spermadhesin * human ejaculated sperm
    Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry

    We immunobiochemically detected human seminal plasma proteins related to boar AQN 1 spermadhesin - hSA (human SpermAdhesin-like) proteins. In this study, we focused on further characterization of their 14kDa-, 16kDa- and 18kDa- forms (hSA-14, hSA 16 and hSA-18). Two hSA 14 isoforms interacted with heparin. Using indirect immunofluorescent microscopy, hSA protein epitopes were localized on the tail of human ejaculated sperm. On the basis of an ability of two isoforms of hSA proteins to interact with heparin and their localization on the sperm surface can be suggested that at least some of these proteins might be involved in sperm capacitation and fertilization in the human

    Imunobiochemicky jsme určovali proteiny lidské semenné plazmy příbuzné kančímu spermadhezinu AQN 1 - proteiny hSA (human SpermAdhesin-like). V této studii jsme se zaměřili na další charakterizaci jejich forem o 14 kDa, 16 kDa a 18 kDa (hSA-14, hSA-16, hSA-18). Dvě izoformy hSA 14 reagovaly s heparinem. Pomocí nepřímé imunofluorescenční mikroskopie byly proteinové epitopy hSA lokalizovány na bičíku lidských ejakulovaných spermií. Na základě schopnosti obou izoforem proteinů hSA reagovat s heparinem a jejich lokalizaci na povrchu spermií lze vyvodit, že alespoň některé tyto proteiny by se mohly účastnit kapacitace spermií a oplodnění u člověka
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