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UV Laser-Induced Gas-Phase Copolymerization of Carbon Disulfide and Ethene

  1. 1.
    0104756 - UCHP-M 20040007 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
    Tomovska, R. - Urbanová, Markéta - Fajgar, Radek - Bastl, Zdeněk - Šubrt, Jan - Pola, Josef
    UV Laser-Induced Gas-Phase Copolymerization of Carbon Disulfide and Ethene.
    [UV laserově iniciovaná kopolymerizace sirouhlíku a etylénu v plynné fázi.]
    Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Roč. 25, č. 4 (2004), s. 587-591. ISSN 1022-1336. E-ISSN 1521-3927
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT ME 612
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921; CEZ:AV0Z4032918; CEZ:AV0Z4040901
    Keywords : laser-induced polymers * photopolymerization * carbon disulfide
    Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry
    Impact factor: 3.366, year: 2004

    Laser irradiation at 193 nm of gaseous mixture of carbon disulfide and ethene induces co-polymerization of both compounds and affords chemical vapour deposition of C/S/H polymer whose composition indicates reaction between two-three CS2 and one C2H4 molecules. Polymer structure is interpreted on the basis of X-ray photoelectron and FTIR spectra as consisting of >C=S, >C=C<, -CH2-CH2-, (C=C)SnC4-n, -C-(C=S)-S-, -S-(C=S)-S- and C-S-S-C configurations. The gas-phase co-polymerization of carbon disulfide and ethene represents the first example of such reaction between carbon disulfide and common monomer

    Laserové ozařování (193 nm) plynné směsi sirouhlíku a etylénu vede ke kopolymeraci obou sloučenin a k chemické deposici C/S/H polymeru z plynné fáze. Složení polymeru nasvědčuje, že reakce probíhá mezi 2-3 molekulami CS2 a jednou molekulou C2H4. Polymerní struktura interpretovaná na základě XPS a IČ spekter ukazuje na existenci >C=S, >C=C<, -CH2-CH2-, (C=C)SnC4-n, -C-(C=S)-S-, -S-(C=S)-S- a C-S-S-C uspořádání. Tato kopolymerace sirouhlíku a etylénu v plynné fázi představuje prvý příklad takové reakce mezi sirouhlíkem a monomerem
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Number of the records: 1  

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