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Impregnation of ceramic membranes by anatase

  1. 1.
    0103255 - UFP-V 20040124 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Vacík, M. - Hofman, R. - Mastný, L. - Šrank, Z. - Brožek, Vlastimil
    Impregnation of ceramic membranes by anatase.
    [Impregnace keramických membrán anatasem.]
    Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Delopment of Materials Science in Research and Education. Praha: MAXDORF,s.r.o, 2004 - (Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.), s. 64-65. ISBN 80-7345-032-1.
    [Joint Seminar Development in Material Science Research and Education/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 31.08.2004-03.09.2004]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
    Keywords : ceramic membranes, anatase impregnation, photocatalytic properties
    Subject RIV: JH - Ceramics, Fire-Resistant Materials and Glass

    Catalytic properties of anatase have been known for a certain time but its practical usage has been hindered by technological limits of preparation of either compact massive intermediate products of various shapes which are necessary as a component of catalytic reactors or nanosized anatase powder. Our aim was to prepare ceramic membrane which would contain catalytic form of titanium oxide - i.e. anatase in its entire volume or on its surface only. Ceramic membranes of any shape (mostly tabular or piped) may be prepared by hot spattering technology. If plasma torch is used we call this process plasma spraying. The advantage of plasma spraying is in chance to provide semi-finished membranes with high dimension accuracy with defined radius of voids and/or as functionally graded materials, i.e. with changing concentration of some ceramic, metallic or combined components. The pores developed in membranes can be readily filled up with substances that allow modification of its properties. In this area, the possibility to impregnate membrane ceramic intermediates with other functional components, e.g. photocatalytic forms of titanium oxide, arises as well.

    Keramické deskové nebo trubkové membrány, připravené technikou plazmové depozice na dočasné podložky, byly impregnovány oxidem titaničitým se strukturou anatasu, která je vysoce fotoaktivní. Tímto způsobem je možno získat rozměrově přesné a složité funkční komponenty fotokatalytických reaktorů.
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