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Unemployment and the social safety net during transitions to a market economy: evidence from Czech and Slovak Republics

  1. 1.
    0102594 - NHU-N 20043049 RIV US eng V - Research Report
    Ham, J. C. - Švejnar, Jan - Terrell, K.
    Unemployment and the social safety net during transitions to a market economy: evidence from Czech and Slovak Republics.
    [Nezaměstnanost a záchranná sociální síť v období transformace na tržní ekonomiku: důkazy z České a Slovenské republiky.]
    Ann Arbor: The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School, 1998. 26 s. William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series, 169.
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904
    Keywords : transition to a market economy * unemployment and the social safety net * Czech and Slovak Republics
    Subject RIV: AH - Economics
    Result website:

    In this paper we evaluate the part played by the unemployment compensation systems in the generally high unemployment rates experienced in the transition and we provide an explanation for the differences in the performances of the Czech and Slovak labor markets.

    Studie vyhodnocuje vliv kompenzace v nezaměstnanosti na obecně vysoké míry nezaměstnanosti během transformace a poskytuje vysvětlení rozdílného výkonu českého a slovenského trhu práce.
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