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Employment and Labor of the Czech Republic in System Transition

  1. 1.
    0102360 - SOU-Z 20043164 RIV JP jpn M - Monography Chapter
    Mansfeldová, Zdenka
    Institutionalization and Practices of the Tripartite System.
    [Institutionalization and Practices of the Tripartite System.]
    Employment and Labor of the Czech Republic in System Transition. Tokio: Chuo University, 2004 - (Ishikawa, A.), s. 107-127. ISBN 4-8057-1313-5
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7028912
    Keywords : employment * transformation * social dialogue
    Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography

    The book deals with employment problems and labour relations in Czech Republic in System Transition and covers macro-, mezzo- and micro-level. Besides economic development, employment problems, interest representation of employers and employees the attention is paid also to the changes in value orientations and work attitudes. The authors are Czech and Japanese sociologist, specialist on East-Central Europe. This enables to see the Czech development in broader context of globalization

    The book deals with employment problems and labour relations in Czech Republic in System Transition and covers macro-, mezzo- and micro-level. Besides economic development, employment problems, interest representation of employers and employees the attention is paid also to the changes in value orientations and work attitudes. The authors are Czech and Japanese sociologist, specialist on East-Central Europe. This enables to see the Czech development in broader context of globalization.

    Publikace se zabývá problematikou zaměstnanosti a pracovněprávních vztahů v České republice při transformaci systému z hlediska makro-, mezzo- a mikroúrovně. Kromě hospodářského rozvoje, problematiky zaměstnanosti, zastoupení zájmů zaměstnavatelů a zaměstnanců autoři věnují pozornost též změnám v hodnotových orientacích a přístupu k práci. Autory jsou česká socioložka a japonský/á sociolog/socioložka se specializací na střední a východní Evropu.To umožňuje pohled na vývoj v České republice v širším kontextu globalizace
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Number of the records: 1  

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