Number of the records: 1
Thermal stability of conductivity of polyaniline doped with various acids
- 1.0101454 - UMCH-V 20043174 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Prokeš, J. - Stejskal, Jaroslav
Thermal stability of conductivity of polyaniline doped with various acids.
[Tepelná stálost vodivosti polyanilínu dopovaného různými kyselinami.]
Proceedings. Rudolstadt: Thüringisches Institut für Textil und KunststoffForschung e.v, 2004, s. 179-181.
[International Symposium on Technologies for Polymer Electronics. Rudolstadt (DE), 28.09.2004-30.09.2004]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4050313
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
Keywords : polyaniline * conducting polymer * conductivity
Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
Thermal stability of polyaniline depends on the acid used for the protonation. When the polymer samples have been exposed to 173°C, the best stability of electrical conductivity was found for methanesulfonic acid.
Tepelná stálost polyanilínu závisí na kyselině užité k protonaci. Když byly polymerní vzorky vystaveny teplotě 173 °C, byla nejlepší stabilita elektrické vodivosti nalezena pro methanosulfonovou kyselinu.
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Number of the records: 1