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Pragmatismo e Semantica

  1. 1.
    0101267 - FLU-F 20040126 RIV BR por J - Journal Article
    Peregrin, Jaroslav
    Pragmatismo e Semantica.
    [Pragmatism and semantics.]
    Filosofia Americana. Roč. 1, č. 1 (2003), s. 115-133
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z9009908
    Keywords : pragmatism * semantics
    Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

    Theories of language in the twentieth century tend towards one of two radically different models. One paradigm holds that expressions 'stand for' entities and their meanings are the entities stood for by them. According to the other, expressions are rather tools of interaction and their meanings are their functions within the interaction, their aptitudes to serve it in their distinctive ways. The paper argues for the superiority of the latter approach. Moreover, it claims that this approach is not incompatible with Montagovian formal semantics.

    Theories of language in the twentieth century tend towards one of two radically different models. One paradigm holds that expressions 'stand for' entities and their meanings are the entities stood for by them. According to the other, expressions are rather tools of interaction and their meanings are their functions within the interaction, their aptitudes to serve it in their distinctive ways. The paper argues for the superiority of the latter approach. Moreover, it claims that this approach is not incompatible with Montagovian formal semantics.

    Teorie jazyka ve dvacátém století vycházejí ze dvou radikálně odlišných modelů. Podle jednoho paradigmatu výrazy 'představují' nějaké entity a jsou to právě tyto entity, co je jejich významem. Podle toho druhého jsou výrazy spíše 'nástroji' interakce a jejich významy jsou jejich funkce v rámci této interakce, jejich způsobilost k sloužit tomu či onomu cíli. V článku se argumentuje, že je rozumné upřednostnit ten druhý přístup. Navíc se argumentuje, že tento přístup není neslučitelný s montaguovskou formální sémantikou.
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