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Foreign direct investment in Central Eastern Europe: case studies of firms in transition

  1. 1.
    0100547 - NHU-N 20043007 RIV US eng M - Monography Chapter
    Bohatá, Marie
    Linde Technoplyn a.s.
    [Linde Technoplyn a.s.]
    Foreign direct investment in Central Eastern Europe: case studies of firms in transition. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2000 - (Estrin, S.; Richet, X.; Brada, J.), s. 127-136. ISBN 0-7656-0255-5
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904
    Keywords : foreign investment * case study * Technoplyn
    Subject RIV: AH - Economics

    Industrial gas production in the Czech Republic dates to the beginning of this century, when small local production facilities as well as foreign-owned ones were founded in the Czech lands.

    Průmyslová produkce plynu v České republice sahá až k počátku tohoto století, když byly v českých zemích založeny malé domácí i zahraniční výrobní společnosti.
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