Number of the records: 1
Gazifikatsiya biomassy i ee perspektivy dlya proizvodstva elektricheskoi energii
- 1.0028947 - UCHP-M 20050333 RIV BY rus C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Vosecký, Martin - Skoblia, Sergej - Koutský, B. - Malecha, J. - Punčochář, Miroslav
Gazifikatsiya biomassy i ee perspektivy dlya proizvodstva elektricheskoi energii.
[Biomass Gasification and Perspectives of Its Utilization in Electricity Production.]
Materialy konferentsii. Minsk: BGTI, 2005, s. 72-78. ISBN 985-434-554-8.
[Mezhudnarodnaya nauchno-tekhnichaskaya konferentsiya "Resursno- i enepgosberegayuschie tekhnologii i oborudovanie, ekologicheski bezopasnye tekhnologii". Minsk (BY), 16.11.2005-18.11.2005]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/04/0829
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504
Keywords : biomass * gasification * electricity production
Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Soderzhaniya etoi raboty vklyuchenno v anglitskuyu i cheskuyu annotatsiyu.
Besides other topics, description of high temperature clean up processes and their process parameters are dealt with in the paper. Moreover, design of the complex gas treatment is proposed.
Tato práce uvádí možnosti aplikace uvedených vysokoteplotních procesů, popisuje provozní podmínky a vznikající problémy a zároveň prezentuje celkovou koncepci procesu čištění plynu.
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Number of the records: 1