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The HLDA8 blind panel: findings and conclusions

  1. 1.
    0027620 - ÚMG 2006 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Swart, B. - Salganik, M.P. - Wand, M.P. - Tinckam, K. - Milford, E.L. - Drbal, Karel - Angelisová, Pavla - Hořejší, Václav - Macardle, P. - Bailey, S. - Hollemweguer, E. - Hodge, G. - Nairn, J. - Millard, D. - Dagdeviren, A. - Dandie, G.W. - Zola, H.
    The HLDA8 blind panel: findings and conclusions.
    [Slepý panel HLDA8: poznatky a závěry.]
    Journal of Immunological Methods. Roč. 305, č. 1 (2005), s. 75-83. ISSN 0022-1759. E-ISSN 1872-7905
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915
    Keywords : CD molecules * leukocyte antigen
    Subject RIV: EC - Immunology
    Impact factor: 2.572, year: 2005

    There were over 600 antibodies submitted to HLDA8, with many of unknown specificity. Of these, 101 antibodies were selected for a blind panel study that also included 5 negative controls and 27 positive controls of known CD specificity making a total of 133 antibodies in the final panel. Of the 101 unknowns, 31 antibodies were identified during the course of this blind panel study as being specific for known molecules and included some specific for MHC class II antigens, CD45 isoforms and the Dombrock antigen. Several antibody pairs among those in the blind panel were found to have very similar staining patterns and were therefore compared by immunohistochemical and/or Western blot analyses for identity.

    Do mezinárodního workshopu HLDA8 bylo zasláno přes 600 protilátek. Z nich 101 bylo vybráno do “slepého panelu”, který obsahoval také 5 negativních kontrol a 27 pozitivních kontrol známých CD specificit. Pro 31 vzorků byly identifikovány jejich specifity (známé CD a MHC proteiny). Bylo identifikováno několik párů velmi podobných vzorků, které pak byly srovnávány co do identity cílových antigenů pomocí Western blottingu a imunohistochemie.
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